Technification Programme
Refine your technique, elevate your game.
Precision training for passionate players.

Opened to football players from every club.
    Term 4: October 14th - December 15th
    Monday 4:00pm-5:30pm
    Rethinking Talent Development Together with TOVO Academy Barcelona which is regarded the best holistic program in Europe for players aiming to excel in football and beyond.

    At CUFC, we believe in playing attacking, dynamic, possession-based football. Our methodology is designed to play a style of football that has led some incredible teams to tremendous success.
  • COST
    $125 per term
Technification Training Programme is specialized for motivated U9 - U12 players who are looking for extra training. The sessions are conducted by our highly qualified coaches with a focus on the individual technical development.

Ball-Mastery and Dribbling: The ability to control and master the ball with both feet. The ability to dribble the ball effectively, utilizing various turns and skills to protect the possession and dribble to attack in 1 v 1 situations.

Passing, Perception and Possession: Technical details of passing and receiving the ball well. Ability to possess the ball well utilizing good positioning, perception and passing skills.

Short-Sided Games: Fun, small-numbered games (3 v 3 / 4 v 4/ 5 v 5 etc.) which allow the players many opportunities to put their skills to use and many opportunities to score goals.

Please contact us for all enquiries regarding our additional programs:
021 446 212


What is the format?
The Technification Program includes 1.5 hours of training time each Monday, in which highly qualified staff will utilize a circuit training approach in which the players will rotate through various developmental circuits and themes. Players will be organized by age and experience levels so that they are challenged appropriately.

Do you need to be a 'high quality' player to join the Technification programme?
Not necessarily, any player who wants to invest in their football development is welcome to join.

Will the Technification programme provide more one-to-one coaching?
The Technification programme will be group trainings, however each player will receive more individual coaching and detailed technical feedback than regular team sessions.

Who will be coaching the Technification programme?
The Technification content has been formulated by our technical staff with support from an excellent staff of coaches, including Head of Academy Paul Holocher and other CUFC Academy technical staff.

Is the Technification programme only open to current CUFC players?
No, all players from any club can join the Technification trainings as a way to develop their technical ability.