Christchurch United have created an environment where players are able to combine their school with additional morning football training. This is achieved through Christchurch United providing all players club van transport to school after morning training and picking them up from school for afternoon Academy trainings. Parents are simply required to drop their child at the CFC prior to morning training and picking them up once afternoon Academy trainings have finished.
Michiel says, “The morning program is an opportunity for players (U13-19) to train more than the regular program (3 training sessions and a game). In order to get closer to maximizing the potential of each player in our academy (and players in the Christchurch environment) we will use the morning sessions to work further on the individual development of each player.”
“The morning program is a nice addition for those who want to dig deeper into the contents football has to offer and invest in themselves. The morning program fits well into the workload that is appropriate for players within the age groups (U13-19) since the technical/tactical aspects will be of most importance during these sessions. Players (U13-19) who want to train once or twice extra during the week to work on individual goals in the game are welcome to join the morning sessions. We offer morning sessions on Tuesday (7am-8am and 8.30am-9.30am) and Thursday (8.30am-9.30am).”
Morning Technification Training times:
Tuesday: 7am — 8am Tuesday: 8:30am — 9:30am Thursday: 8:30am — 9:30am. Terms: 1/2/3/4. The cost to join our Morning Technification Training program is below:
One session per week: $90 (10 week program) Two sessions per week: $150 (10 week program) Club van provided transport: $100 (10 week club van pass)