Coach Blog

Energy and Advocacy

Bring it on. 

I am at Lake Tahoe in California this morning preparing for another day on the field with a remarkable group of teenagers.

My coaching colleagues are absolutely brilliant and wonderful people. 

Thus, I am inspired to share a simple message. 

Energy and advocacy. 

I need to bring that today. 

My players need that today. 

Good things will happen today and I cannot wait to celebrate every positive deed and action. . 

Forget for a moment about ball control, position play, and the challenges to find and exploit space. Important? Yes. Most important? No. 

Today I am bringing energy and advocacy. 

Energy. I am thrilled to do what I do and I want every child to know that I am blessed to be with them today. 

Advocacy. I am their biggest fan as they take on the challenges of being a footballer and a friend. 

It is going to be an amazing day because we are playing a game we love with the people we admire. 

Energy and advocacy. 


Reprinted with kind permission from Todd Beane
Founder of TOVO Training and TOVO Academy Barcelona. In TOVO Training, Beane has combined proven pedagogical practices of experts in the field of education with the visionary components of a total football legend into a dynamic and practical training methodology.
TOVO Academy.

Christchurch United FC is rethinking Talent Development with TOVO Academy Barcelona which is regarded the best holistic program in Europe for players aiming to excel in football and beyond.

"Training extraordinary educators and crazy good coaches." - Todd Beane
Todd Beane