Coach Blog

Value the Invisible

She’s so skillful.

We can see that as she dribbles down the sideline.

What about what we don’t see?

What about her internal processing? How do we see her intelligence? Can we recognize the choices made from a myriad of possibilities?

Can we evaluate the choice not executed? The pass not made? The positional error not committed?

From the sideline do we scream, “Good scanning, great decision?” Maybe on your soccer field, but that phrase never dominates the cacophony of tournament parents and coaches.

Consistently making quick decision, accurate decisions is the unique advantage of the playmakers. Others can perhaps match her physical speed, strength and size. But maintaining her attention and processing information quickly while managing her emotions under the constraints of time, rules and tactics differentiates the playmaker from her peers. (D. Peterson & L. Zaichkowsky)

So here comes my punchline…

When we value a decision as much as we do a stepover move, we will maximize the potential of our athletes.

That’s it.

The hard part is that it is more difficult to evaluate the invisible, never mind value it. However, difficult cannot be an excuse for avoidance.

We can nurture the playmaker. We can nurture expanded vision and better decisions as much as we nurture precision in execution.

Might be time to value the invisible.

And then train it.

Reprinted with kind permission from Todd Beane, Founder of TOVO Training and TOVO Academy Barcelona.

In TOVO Training, Beane has combined proven pedagogical practices of experts in the field of education with the visionary components of a total football legend into a dynamic and practical training methodology.

Christchurch United FC is rethinking Talent Development with TOVO Academy Barcelona which is regarded the best holistic program in Europe for players aiming to excel in football and beyond.

"Training extraordinary educators and crazy good coaches." - Todd Beane

2021-12-15 12:54 Todd Beane