
Queen's Birthday Football Festival

2021-05-12 21:07 Academy

Christchurch United FC is proud to announce the very first annual Queen’s Birthday Football Festival.

20% off registration fees for teams formed by our club members

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Get 5-7 players and register your team – all ages welcome!

We ask you to spread the word and share this message

with other football enthusiasts because we want to make this

Queen’s Birthday Football Festival a memorable family event.

This new Football Festival will be held across two days and features a novel, innovative format to cater for all ages, genders, abilities.

U8 will be able to play inflatable football (free of charge), with those 9 -12 boys and girls playing in a 5-a-side football cup, 13-17-year-old’s playing Tennis Football, and those 18 and older up to 45+ playing in a 5-a-side tournament.

We invite sports clubs, schools, businesses, community groups, friends and families to register teams of 5- 7 players for 5-a-side football and teams of just 2 players for Football Tennis.

There will be up to 32 teams playing a 5-a-side simultaneously on 16 fields at the state-of-the-art Christchurch Football Centre. This showcases exactly how beneficial this community orientated, social football event is going to be. We welcome teams and their supporters to join us for two action-packed days.

With games varying for the age ranges, 5-a-side is just as exciting if not better than a game of 11-a-side. There are many key elements of the smaller game:
-       More touches, more skills, more play.
-       Better for fitness.
-       Less dependent on weather
-       More convenient and easier to get a team together.
-       More enjoyable.

With a tournament of this caliber, there will be a great crowd coming together over Queen’s Birthday weekend. Registrations will close on Monday 31 May 2021, with all fee’s needing to be paid by 5 June 2021.

Daniel Kornilov
Festival Director
021 882 807